Would You Buy The Google Chrome OS CR-48 Laptop For $11100 ? « The …

First let me start by saying, Google made it very clear to those who received their new CR-48 laptop computer with their very own Google Chrome OS, that is was not supposed to be sold, loaned nor even given away. ..

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Would You Buy The Google Chrome OS CR-48 Laptop For $11100 ? « The …

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ecoATM Announces Incentivized Laptop Computer Take-Back Program in …

ecoATM, the San Diego start-up known for its commitment to the environment and its innovative kiosks that buy -back and recycle consumer electronics, today announced it has added laptop computers to the growing list of electronics that consumers can recycle at kiosks in … For recycled laptops , consumers will be paid $50, $75, or $100 as in-store credits towards the purchase of a new laptop computer based on Intel i3, i5, and i7-branded microprocessors respectively. …

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ecoATM Announces Incentivized Laptop Computer Take-Back Program in …

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